Mölnlycke publishes its integrated 2022 Annual Report
Mölnlycke’s determination to always put customers and patients first made 2022 another successful year, reaching an organic sales growth of 8.4%. Learn more about Mölnlycke’s results and performance in the integrated 2022 Annual Report, prepared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and published today on www.molnlycke.com.
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“We have focused on organic business growth alongside implementation of our new customer-centric strategy with sustainability and digitalisation at its core. Despite a tough macroeconomic environment, we managed to stay close to our customers and to further grow and gain market share in three out of four Business Areas”, says CEO Zlatko Rihter.
Wound Care, Mölnlycke’s largest business area, surpassed EUR 1 billion in sales for the first time, thanks to organic growth of 10%.
During the year, Mölnlycke stepped up its ambitions to become a global leader in sustainable healthcare, including a commitment to become a net zero company by 2050, to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) organisation. The WeCare sustainability roadmap defines how the company embed sustainability into its daily work; and throughout the year, short- and long-term sustainability goals were defined for all Business Areas and Corporate Functions.
The 2022 performance highlights included:
- Total net sales of EUR 1,828 million (EUR 1,686 million in 2021)
- EBITDA of EUR 476 (486) million
- Organic sales growth of 8.4% (when excluding the one-off sales of personal protective equipment)
- 10% less greenhouse gas emissions across the entire value chain compared to 2021
- 51% of all electricity consumption came from renewable sources
- 80% (77%) in the employee Engagement Index Score
- 44% (38%) female leaders at director level and above.
Please note: The following link takes you to the Mölnlycke Global website, a website hosted outside Australia. Product information contained on this site may not comply with the regulatory requirements in Australia.
Download Mölnlycke’s 2022 Annual report
For further information, please contact
Magnus Nordberg
Corporate Communications & IR Manager
Email: magnus.nordberg@molnlycke.com
Phone : +46 739 412998