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  1. Naver, Lars P.S.; Gottrup, Finn; Incidence of glove perforations in gastrointestinal surgery and the protective effect of double gloves: A prospective, Randomized controlled study; Eur J. Surg 2000; Vol 166 pp. 293-295.
  2. Summary of Technical Documents. Mölnlycke Health Care. Data on file.
  3. Internal SOP. Automatic Glove Inspection by QMAX. Mölnlycke Health Care. Data on file.
  4. MKT004. Why Choose Biogel. 2009. Data on file.
  5. Mölnlycke Health Care. In use surgical glove failure rate comparison. Report no: G009-005. 2009. Data on file.
  6. Nicolai P, Aldam CH, Allen PW. Increased awareness of glove perforation in major joint replacement. A prospective, randomised study of Regent Biogel Reveal gloves. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1997 May;79(B):371-3.
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