Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin resulting from direct contact of a substance with the surface of the skin

Why is contact dermatitis a problem?
A recent survey of 550 practicing operating theatre surgeons and nurses showed :
of surgeons and nurses have personally experienced a skin reaction on their hands in the operating theatre
34% of those who experienced a reaction, said the skin reaction had a negative impact on
their quality of life.
of those who experienced a reaction, reported they had been distracted from their work due to a skin reaction to surgical gloves
Nearly 20% of those who had experienced a reaction had to change gloves during an operation (due to a reaction)
What can be done to avoid contact dermatitis?

Do not don gloves with wet hands. Water is a potential irritant. Frequent exposure causes swelling and shrinking of skin and can lead to dermatitis

Avoid detergents and opt for alcohol based hand rubs to reduce skin irritation

Use moisturising skincare products

Wear gloves that do not contain chemical accelerators that are known to cause contact dermatitis. Biogel PI UltraTouch S is designed to reduce the risk of contact dermatitis, and made using a skin friendly formula
Learn to manage contact dermatitis
Take this 20-minute e-learning about contact dermatitis; what it is, its causes, the effect & risks to the healthcare workers, and how to manage it.
Order a free sample of Biogel PI UltraTouch S
Submit your details to receive a sample of our new skin-friendly glove*.
*Biogel® PI UltraTouch S will be launching on the following markets: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, UK, US